Thursday, September 8, 2011

Do You Know Squat?

Westernized civilizations have forgotten that the toilet and the chair are recent inventions and cause excessive wear on the pelvic floor and extra pressure on abdominal organs (slouching and etc). 

Toddlers naturally squat, but with potty training and chair training in schools, often people in the US "lose the ability" to squat by age 12. This ability to squat can be regained in a few short weeks with regular stretching - check out our Ball Stretch Homework Video.

Reducing daily pelvic floor damage will assist in the body's ability to heal and repair these areas. I highly recommend clients to research for themselves the following: squat toilets, Nature's Platform, and the history of chairs

There are several options available to assist in the modern water closet. The Lillipad and Nature's Platform for a reasonable sum can provide you with a quick adaptation solution for you modern loo, or even a simple foot stool kept handy can provide moderate relief. 

Hope everything comes out better!

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