Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ball Stretch (part 2)

Continuing from the first part....

after 15 to 30 seconds, walk-roll back on the ball until you are staring at plugs/outlets in the wall. This will stretch abs, lower ribcage and some into lower abs. Your back may feel a stretch and settle while on the ball.

Walk down to first position and hold for 15 to 30 seconds. Allow your lower back to rest against the ball. You may feel a slight stretch around your sacrum or across your hips as it relaxes.  And during this entire routine your head should rest comfortably on the ball.

Walk back again and reach over your head with both arms for the floor. Note: if this is too much of a stretch for you at this time, leave out this part and try again in a few days or weeks as you limber up.
With your hands on the floor, you should be able to see the floor directly in your line of sight. Allow your hips to stretch with your feet flat on the floor. This position is well supported by the ball and if you feel comfortable or desire additional stretch, you can stretch out your legs.

And finally, walk towards your feet again back to the first position. Let your tail bone sink toward the floor.

To get back into a seated position, lift your head and press your tailbone into the ball as you walk backwards, and keep walking backwards until you are sitting on the ball again. This is the opposite of how you got down into first position. If you press your back into the ball instead of your hips/tailbone, then you will have some difficulty sitting up, but it is still manageable.

As a quick reminder:
1. Squat & stare at the ceiling
2. Roll back & stare at pictures on the wall (or wall meet ceiling)
1. Squat & stare at the ceiling
3. Roll back & stare at plugs/outlets
1. Squat & stare at the ceiling
4. Reach over & stare at the floor
1. Squat & stare at the ceiling

I developed this stretch for my own self maintenance several years ago, and I hope that you find it equally relaxing and beneficial. I often use this with meditation and increase the times to 1-5 minutes per position, but only 15-30 seconds is necessary to see results within a few weeks.

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